The Olga was one of two devastating shipwrecks that occurred off the north shore of Eastern King's during the infamous Yankee Gale of 1906 off Prince Edward Island that sank several ships. The Olga was an 1,100-ton, steel-hulled baroque that sank off Hermanville on November 5th. At the time the vessel sank, the gale had already taken it's toll along the North side, with several shipwrecks having been reported. Knowing this, a close eye was kept on other ships visible off shore. When it became apparent that the Olga was in need, locals rushed down to the shore to help it's crew get to dry land. After which, the survivors were lodged in the community before they returned home. Salvage from the Olga was used to help build and furnish homes along the North side. The wreck can still be found on the sea bed off Hermanville where it sank